- Exploring Siddha system and Siddha way of Healthy life through medias Like
- Kalaingar TV,
- Kalaignar Seithigal TV( Program : Sukku Milagu, Thippili),
- News 7 Tamil Channel ( Unave Amirtham – Preparation of Traditional food and explaining the medicinal uses. Nearly 450 episodes completed)
- Web seminars ( www.valaitamil.com ).
- Web TV : Saha TV and Arul Jothi TV
- Writing series of articles in VALAI TAMIL website ( www.valaitamil.com) in the name of NALAM KAKKUM SIDDHA MARUTHUVAM.
- Writing articles in Kumutham Snekithi, Malligai Magal and Doctor Vikadan ( eg. Dengue fever, Ebola, Swine flu etc.)
- Many awareness programs and Hands on training programs ( Siddha and natural way of life) to college and school students.
- Exploring the secrets of Thirumanthiram (Ancient Siddha Literature) through scientific way and giving Lectures to various organizations.